
Renthia terms of use

Thank you for choosing us at Renthia and a special thanks for taking the time to thoroughly read through our Terms of Use! The following terms and conditions ("Terms") apply when Renthia AB, company registration number 559010-9525, address Tegelbacken 4A, 5th floor (Stayaround), SE-111 52 Stockholm, e-mail address ("Renthia") supplies the website (the "Website") and the Service, as defined below, to you, ("You").


  • Renthia, in its capacity as a platform and service provider, has developed a service that matches prospective tenants to various accommodations and thereby facilitates sub-letting of different types of accommodations to companies and physical individuals.
  • In order to be eligible to use the Service you must i) be at least 18 years of age, ii) complete the registration of a user account and iii) accept these Terms and our Privacy Policy that is available to you here.
  • By creating an account and by using the Service [OR: by clicking on the "I Agree" button when you create your account] you hereby acknowledge and agree to these Terms which will be viewed as having been entered into effect.
  • If you cannot comply with the membership requirements we kindly ask you to leave the platform and Service immediately and Renthia may not be held liable for any activity you may have had on our platform or Service during your brief visit here.


  • The Service is defined as:
    1. a digital, internet supplied, platform upon which users may either register an Accommodation of their own that they want to rent out or apply for renting Accommodations that are available on the platform ("Digital Platform") and
    2. a screening service of prospective tenants.
  • In general, use of the Service will comply with the following, standardized process:
    • A Landlord (as defined below) registers an apartment/house/room etc.("Accommodation") that the Landlord wants to rent out on the Digital Platform, effectively giving Renthia consent to market the registered Accomodation via the Digital Platform.
    • Renthia markets the registered Accommodation via the Digital Platform and through additional marketing channels.
    • Prospective Tenants (as defined below) apply as users of the Digital Platform and subsequently apply to rent the Accommodation via the Digital Platform.
  • After Prospective Tenants submit applications, Renthia identifies and reviews applications in order to find Prospective Tenants that fulfil the Landlord's specifications regarding lease and tenant. Renthia will administer and carry out all communications with Prospective Tenants. Once Renthia has identified suitable tenants from the applicants, Renthia will present a shortlist of Prospective Tenants to the Landlord and will await the Landlord's approval for the presented tenant.
  • Upon the Landlord's approval of a tenant, the Landlord and the approved tenant ("Tenant") will enter into a lease agreement regarding the Landlord's Accommodation ("Lease Agreement").
  • Renthia acts in the capacity as a platform and Service provider. Please note that Renthia does not offer any Accommodation and is not a contracting partner to the agreements concluded between the Users. Negotiations regarding Accommodations may be facilitated by the features on the Digital Platform or by Renthia. When the Users have come to a mutual understanding regarding the lease of an Accommodation, their understanding shall be outlined and specified by the Lease Agreement to which Renthia shall not be considered a contractual party.
  • Renthia may provide new, modified or additional services or features to the Service. Such new services or features can be associated with particular conditions. If this is the case, Renthia will present these conditions on the Website and, should it be required by substantive law, request your consent. If the user wants to activate the new service user must accept the special conditions applicable to that Service.
  • Renthia undertakes to provide the Service in a reliable manner. Access to the Digital Platform can be restricted or interrupted temporarily through maintenance work, further development or planned (or unplanned) disruptions. Renthia will announce disruptions of the aforementioned kind to Users in a timely manner prior to when occur, wherever possible. If You have an urgent matter while the Digital Platform is temporarily inaccessible, please contact our customer support for personal service, at email


  • In order to use the Service, including register an Accommodation or apply for an Accommodation, you (as a landlord or prospective tenant) will have to create a user account for the Digital Platform ("User Account"). A holder of a User Account ("User") may use their User Account in order to register Accommodations or submit applications for renting an Accommodation. A User that uses the Platform to register Accommodations is hereinafter referred to as a "Landlord". A User that uses the Platform to apply to lease an Accommodation is hereinafter referred to as a "Prospective Tenant". The Landlord and Prospective Tenant are collectively referred to as "Users". A User may use its User Account as both Landlord and Prospective Tenant and accepts the subsequent conditions linked to each separate type of user.
  • There are two options available to create a User Account. You either create an independent User Account or You use third party services, such as through Social Networking Channels (i.e. through Your Facebook or G+ account), to create a User Account. If you choose to create an independent User Account, the registration process of a User Account includes submitting your e-mail address, choosing a user name and choosing a password and clicking on "Create Account". If you choose to create a User Account by using third party services, the registration process of a User Account includes clicking on "sign up using Facebook or G+", due to the fact that you are signing up through a third party service. You may thereafter sign in to your User Account to access the Digital Platform.
  • If you choose to use third party services to create a User Account, access to the Service and your personal information may be subject to the terms and conditions and privacy policy of the third party service in question. Renthia will not be held liable for any agreement you have entered into with a third party service and it is your responsibility as a User to make certain that you have understood Renthia’s Terms of Use as well as any prior terms and conditions that you have entered into which may affect this agreement.
  • You agree that all registration information that you provide is accurate and up-to-date. In our sole discretion, we may refuse to grant you a user name that impersonates someone else, is protected by trademark or other proprietary right law, or is deemed as being offensive. Such decisions will be made at the discretion of Renthia.
  • In order to use the Service, you will be required to submit certain information about yourself which will be used to identify you and make certain that Renthia is able to provide you with the Service, such as:
    • Full name
    • E-mail-address
    • Social Security number
    • Phone- and cell phone number (optional)
    • Date of birth (optional)
    • Your address
    • Passport information
    • Geo-location of the device from where you access the Website and Service. (Positioning data).
    • Billing details
  • Any personal information that you supply or communicate to Renthia when using the Service will be processed in compliance with Renthia's privacy policy, which you can find here. Prior to using Renthia’s Service you must first read and accept the Privacy Policy.
  • When creating a User Account by third party services, as Facebook or G +, the third party service may request you to grant access to certain information, including personal information. This information may be subject to the terms and conditions and privacy policy of the third party service in question.
  • You acknowledge that your User Account and password are individual and private information and agree:
    • To provide truthful, current and complete information when completing your registration for a User Account or an Accommodation;
    • To keep the User Account data up-to-date and correct at all times and make any necessary changes/and additions to the information;
    • Not to disclose your password, allow anyone else access your User Account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your User Account;
    • To inform Renthia immediately if there is reason to suspect unauthorized use of your User Account;
    • Not to upload viruses or other malicious code on the Digital Platform;
    • Not to use the Digital Platform to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory according to applicable law;
    • Not to use the Digital Platform to register Accommodations if you are younger than 18 years of age or under trusteeship. Anyone under 18 or under trusteeship is prohibited to enter into a Lease Agreement, but may access and use the Digital Platform to browse the listings of any Accommodation;
    • Not to use the Service if you are located in a country embargoed by the European Union or the U.S., or are on the U.S. Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals; and
    • Not to transfer your User Account or account information without receiving our prior written consent.
    • Not engaging in competition with the Platform and Service provided by Renthia.


  • Users may register Accommodation as instructed by Renthia from time to time, or as otherwise outlined on the Website. You must provide all information requested by Renthia.
  • The Landlord undertakes to indicate the total price of each respective offering that is provided, i.e. the Accommodation Price plus any applicable value added tax incurred. In doing so, however, the Landlord undertakes to state other price components such as cleaning fees and any additional fees which may be added.
  • Users warrant that they have the right to enter into this agreement and a right to sub-let the Accommodations in question as well as they are financially able to act enter into agreements as tenants. This includes, but is not limited to, that the User has obtained, if applicable, any landlord's or board of the housing association's approval to sub-lease the apartment, co-operative apartment or other type of accommodation, as well as verified with the local authorities whether one is allowed to lease the Accommodation in accordance with the desired preferences and circumstances of the Landlord, before registering the Accommodation for hire on the Digital Platform.
  • Users acknowledge and agree to, where applicable, have and maintain an appropriate home and property insurance of the Accommodation and property in question.
  • User shall, when registering an Accommodation, accurately and completely describe the facilities in words and, if applicable, in pictures in order to give any Prospective Tenants a fair impression of the Accommodation and to make it possible for any Prospective Tenant to assess the offering himself/herself. The offering includes all properties of the Accommodation that typically are of material importance for the Prospective Tenant's decision, including but not limited to, defects or other disadvantages of the Accommodation that have a considerable negative effect on the attractiveness of the Accommodation (such as e.g. localization, proximity to roads, airports or the like, etc.).
  • Users shall offer clear information regarding their capacity to act as Tenant or in in their capacity as Landlord, that the property/accomodation they are offering, is not misleading to other users.
  • A User that registers an Accommodation undertakes to clearly state if any rooms and/or items in the Accommodation are not included in the right of usage and/or what other rules of conduct are to be part of the Lease Agreement and may affect the right of use of the Accomodation.
  • A Landlord undertakes to notify to Renthia to the extent that is possible, the expected total price for the Accommodation ("Accommodation Price") plus any applicable value added tax incurred.
  • Any registered Accommodations will be published in the Service upon the completion of Renthia's review of the Landlord's description of the Accommodation and the Landlord's acceptance of any adjustments to the descriptions of the Accommodation made by Renthia.
  • You acknowledge and accept that Renthia determines, in its sole discretion, how and in which order any Accommodation is displayed on the Digital Platform and how Renthia will carry out identification, screening and review of Prospective Tenants, including selecting the time to present Prospective Tenants to the Landlord.
  • You may not use Renthia's Service to market your business if you are running a professional hotel operation. For the purpose of these Terms, a professional hotel operator is defined as a party subleasing Accommodation on a regular basis with a capacity to accommodate at least nine guests or with the capacity of at least five guest rooms. Please note that local laws may impose special requirements for professional hotel operators and may have their own definition of what constitutes a professional hotel operator. By agreeing to these Terms, you agree that you will keep yourself informed of and comply with, e.g., local taxes, local zoning laws and any requirements of obtaining permission from local authorities (as applicable). Renthia will not be held liable for your inability to keep yourself informed and in compliance with applicable rules and regulations regarding your Accomodation.


  • Users may apply for leasing an Accommodation that is presented on the Platform ("Applications") by filling in and submitting the application form available on the Platform or the Website.
  • Submitting an Application does not imply that the applicant will be selected to be presented to the Landlord as a Prospective Tenant. Renthia reserves the right to, in their sole discretion, identify, review and reject Applications and to present a shortlist of Prospective Tenants to the Landlord. The decision to select and approve a Prospective Tenant is made by the Landlord, exclusively. The decision upon whom to present to the Landlord as a Prospective Tenant is made by Renthia, exclusively.


  • Renthia will, to the best of their efforts, identify suitable Prospective Tenants that are eligible to lease an Accommodation in accordance with the requirements defined by the Landlord. Renthia will, to the best of their ability, determine whether a Prospective Tenant is suitable and eligible to lease an Accomodation but the final decision of approval shall always lie with the Landlord.
  • Renthia is only obligated to present [5] Prospective Tenants to the Landlord. Renthia's obligation to presented Prospective Tenants to a Landlord shall elapse when a Landlord has refused the [5] presented Prospective Tenants.


  • Renthia’s verified listings means that a Renthia representative has visited, inspected and approved the property. For the Renthia verified listings, there are no physical showings, and instead there is a video tour together with complete and detailed information about the listing.
  • In case you sign and move into a Renthia verified listing, and it would not represent what you have seen in the listing details prior to signing the lease, you have 48 hours to report back to Renthia. In which case, you have the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect, without being charged. In this case, the landlord will not be paid. Note, this applies to; For example, in case of wrong floorplan or extensive damage which makes the property unliveable.
  • However, if there are minor problems in the property which does not make it unliveable, you cannot terminate the agreement with immediate effect, and instead the contract abiding notice period must be activated. However, you have the right to get the issue fixed. For example, in case the oven or fridge is not working, or there is a missing item according to your lease agreement.


  • When a Landlord has approved a Prospective Tenant, the Landlord and the Prospective Tenant will enter into a Lease Agreement in which the rights and obligations of The Landlord and the Prospective Tenant will be outlined in detail. The Lease Agreement will include provisions regarding, for example, but not limited to, the lease period, rent, termination of lease, applicable Guarantee policy and support services. The Lease Agreement will be signed through electronic signature.
  • @*
  • The prospective tenant has 48 hours after moving into the property to report to Renthia any discrepacy between what was advertised on the website and what he finds in the property. It is only after this period that the tenant will be required to pay their first invoice.
  • *@
  • A Landlord and a Prospective Tenant that are entering into a Lease Agreement are each recommended to save a local copy of the Lease Agreement. Please note that each jurisdiction may have other, or additional, formal requirements for the validity of a lease agreement and its subsequent storage. Renthia will, to the best of their efforts, supply You with information regarding the formal requirements for signing a lease agreement in Your jurisdiction.
  • Renthia may provide additional services to the benefit of the Landlord, subject to a separate agreement, and as agreed upon by the parties.
  • You acknowledge and understand that the specific details regarding the lease will be outlined in the Lease Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, any complaints for example in regards to check-in or check-out will be handled dealt with accordance with what has been stated in the Lease Agreement.


  • The Service will be provided starting at the date of the User's completed registration for a User Account upon which these Terms have been approved by the User. These Terms remain in force for an indefinite period of time, unless they are terminated as set out below.
  • You may terminate Your User Account, and thereby the use of the Service, at any time without stating a reason for the termination. You terminate the User Account by de-registering the User Account by [clicking "delete account" in the settings of their User Account].
  • Renthia may cancel, suspend or terminate the User Account at any time by giving You 30 days' notice. Renthia's right to block and to terminate the User Account in accordance with Section [16] shall not be affected by this Section and shall be dealt with at the discretion of Renthia.
  • Upon termination, Renthia will delete Your User Account and your log-in information. Any Content or otherwise uploaded information to the Service will be deleted automatically [within 2 months] upon termination of the account.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, any rights or obligations set out in the Lease Agreement will be performed in accordance with the Lease Agreement.

a).  Lease termination policy

  • A termination is only valid once a tenancy has been started. A tenancy begins on the start date stated in the contract.
  • The parties(tenant and landlord) are required to give a period of notice prior to the termination of a lease agreement
  • If you would like to terminate the contract before the start of your tenancy, please view our cancellation policy in section
  • Requests for termination should be emailed to

b).  Cancellation policy

The following Cancellation Policy applies to all signed contracts.

Before the contract has been signed you can cancel the contract at any time and you won’t get charged for it. Cancellations and terminations are valid only if received in writing to

60 days to 30 days before move-in date

  • The tenant will not be charged.
  • If the tenant cancels their contract between the period 60 days to 30 days before the move-in date, the tenant will not be charged.

30 days to 15 days before move-in date

  • The tenant will be charged with 50 % of the rent (half of the rent).
  • If the tenant cancels their contract between the period 30 days to 15 days before the move-in date, half of the rent (50%) will be charged.

15 days until move-in date

  • The tenant will be charged with 100 % of the rent (One full month’s rent).
  • If the tenant cancels their contract within 15 days before the move-in date, one full month’s rent (100%) will be charged.
  • Any exceptions to above stated cancellations, would be based on Force Majeure and/or at the landlord’s discretion.
  • In addition to this, tenant’s at has a notice period of 1 calendar month, which applies after the tenant has moved into their home. The notice period for owners/landlord is 3 calendar months.

Example of notice period:

A tenant terminates his contract 4th of November, with 1 calendar month in notice period, the tenant will need to pay full rent for December as well (until 31st of December.)

If the same tenant instead would terminate the contract 30th of November, the tenant would still pay to 31st of December, as there needs to be one completely full month of payment in addition to whatever days are remaining in the current month where termination was sent.

Do not mistake 1 calendar months’ notice period for 30 days.

Above written notice periods may differ, in which case what is stated in your contract is what applies in regards to the length of the notice period for tenants and homeowners.

When cancellations or restrictions are due to a force majeure circumstance such as the COVID-19 epidemic, customers are not bound to pay the rent.

This means that the tenant is not obligated to pay anything and that the invoice will be credited.

Flight bans and canceled flights due to for example, Covid19 or war, inform us at

Two things can be done if the cancellation is due to a Force Majeure circumstance:

  1. Move the start date forward if desired.
  2. Cancellation of the accommodation is made without the tenant having to pay anything.


  • The Service is [unless otherwise set out in these Terms] supplied to You free of charge.
  • Renthia reserves the right to claim a [monthly recurring] commission corresponding to 10 % of the Accommodation Price including any applicable VAT (the "Service Fee") from the Tenant.
  • Please note that the total price that will be presented to Prospective Tenants includes the Accommodation Price including any applicable VAT (as at the date of the actual payment) and the Service Fee. The Accommodation Price and the Service Fee are jointly referred to as "Rent". A Landlord is not permitted to charge a Prospective Tenant any additional charges or fees upfront unless otherwise first receiving prior consent from Renthia to do so.


  • [Renthia has entered into a separate service agreement with a Payment Service Provider regarding administration of any billing and payment under these Terms and the Lease Agreement. Any of your billing and payment information under these Terms and the Lease Agreement will be handled by the independent contractors [Billogram AB] and [STRIPE] (the "Payment Service Provider").]
  • [You understand that any credit information, such as inter alia bank account numbers will be processed in accordance with Renthia's Privacy Policy that you find here.]
  • [It may take up to 10 business days before the payments you are owed for your Accomodation (i.e. the money in question) is deposited into your account, depending on the Payment Service Provider and Your personal bank's handling times and procedures.]
  • [Any payments made by the Tenant will be held by the Payment Service Provider on behalf of the Tenant and shall be released to Renthia/the Landlord after [48] hours following the payment of the Tenant. All payments under the Lease Agreement shall be made exclusively to Renthia, or any third party Payment Service Supplier appointed or used by Renthia, as set out in the Lease Agreement.]
  • [All fees are invoiced monthly by arrears or withdrawn in a subscription plan. Each invoice is due 30 days after invoice date.]
  • [Late payment is charged interest corresponding to the higher of 8,5 % per month and the Swedish Interest Act (Swe: Räntelagen).]
  • [If You are late in payment of any portion of an invoice, Renthia may, in addition to any other remedies it may have, including termination, suspend access to the Service.]
  • [Renthia may charge fees at their discretion for administrating invoices and payments and reminders due to late payment.]
  • [All payments which are made under these Terms or the Lease Agreement must be made in the relevant currency preferred by each Landlord.]
  • [Renthia is not to be held liable for any cost, loss or damage due to currency fluctuations or for any bank fees charged by Your bank in connection with making payments under these Terms.]


  • Renthia understands and acknowledges that subletting accommodations implies a risk for value loss for the Landlord as a result of Prospective Tenant's destruction of, inter alia, interior and furniture. Renthia may compensate a Landlord for value loss in accordance with below described Guarantee policy and at the discretion of Renthia.


  • If Renthia has a suspicion that Users are aiming to act or are acting in a fraudulent manner to the detriment of the other Users, the Service (or Renthia as a whole) or if there is any other suspicion of criminal acts pursuant to the applicable Penal Code, Renthia has the right to demand that the Payment Service Provider to hold all payments.
  • Please note that Renthia is under the obligation to report any suspicion of fraud, money laundering, or other criminal activity performed on the Digital Platform to the competent police authority.


  • The Data distributed and displayed via the Service is confidential information ("Confidential Information"). Information i) that is, or becomes, known to the general public, ii) which is already in the receiving party's possession prior to disclosure by a party or iii) which is independently developed by the receiving party without the use of Confidential Information shall not be considered Confidential Information.
  • You understand and agree to keep secret and strictly confidential all Confidential Information regarding Renthia, the Service, the Website and Platform.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, Confidential Information shall not be used by either party for any purpose other than fulfilling its obligations and complying with these Terms, as required by mandatory applicable law or regulations of administrative bodies or to the extent required by the rules of any relevant stock exchange as well as in complying with the Lease Agreement.
  • You shall not at any time divulge, disclose or otherwise furnish, directly or indirectly, to any third party any Confidential Information unless explicitly permitted herein or required by law or regulations of administrative bodies.
  • Disclosure of Confidential Information by a User may lead to a fine being administered for the violation. Upon recurring, or evidently serious and harmful disclosure of Confidential Information, Renthia reserves the right to file proceedings against the User in question and seek compensation through either a court of first instance or arbitration.


  • Subject to your compliance with these Terms, Renthia grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license, to access, view and use the Service solely for the purposes of the Service. You have no right to sublicense the license right granted in this section unless otherwise permitted to do so by Renthia.
  • Renthia is free to use any feedback, comments, or suggestions that You may send, or otherwise provide to Renthia, concerning the Service and the Website, and use it to improve the Service and Website, or otherwise how Renthia sees fit, without any obligation of specific compensation or other obligation to You.
  • The Website and the Service is protected by copyright law, trademark law, other intellectual property law and other regulations under Swedish law, and the law of other countries. You herby confirm and consent to that the Digital Platform, the Website and the Service and their intellectual property rights, including data, belong to Renthia, or any of Renthia's licensees or licensors, exclusively. You may not delete, change, distribute or distort any type of copyright- trademark- or other intellectual property right that is available on, or in connection to, the Service, the Digital Platform and the Website.


  • Any and all information, data, text, software, photos, graphics, messages, tags and other content, data or information that you upload or make available to the Website ("Content") will become the property of Renthia. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes, but is not limited to, a right for Renthia to:
    • freely use and dispose of Your Content, with the right to process, adapt, modify, store, copy and make it available to the for the supply of the Services offered by Renthia as available on the Internet and on mobile applications, that can be downloaded or otherwise made accessible by a computer, mobile telephone or other device.
    • use the Content worldwide for the promotion of the Service and Digital Platform as well as Accommodations, including the first name and profile picture of You, in print media of any kind, television, radio advertising (right of copying, dissemination, broadcasting, public rendition) and other online services and the right to process or redesign the Content and the right to grant these rights to business partners of Renthia or companies within Renthia's group of companies. In accordance with Renthia’s privacy policy and applicable law, you always have the right to opt-out of such exposure and use.
  • You warrant that You have the necessary rights to use and dispose of the Content that You upload to the Digital Platform and thus is published on the Digital Platform.
  • Any information, property or copyright developed by the User within the scope of the Service of Digital Platform shall become the sole property of Renthia.
  • Renthia reserves the right to remove certain Content, in its entirety or in part, from the Digital Platform, if the content is deemed by Renthia to be unlawful or is to be considered as forbidden content or forbidden activity pursuant to these Terms.
  • The Users are forbidden to enter, upload or share User Content and engage in the following activities on the Digital Platform, including but not limited to: insults, false accusations, abusive criticism, other defamatory statements, statements and images prohibited under criminal law (such as images glorifying violence and war, racism, child or violent pornography or calls to commit criminal offences), any sexual content and depictions or those that are a danger to children and young people; publication of images on which persons can be recognized who have not given their consent to publication, de-anonymization of other users, usage of the Digital Platform for own commercial purposes that go beyond the actual purposes of the Service (unless Renthia has provided its prior written consent), publication of personal data of third parties, usage of the Digital Platform for political or religious activity, sending of junk mails, chain letters or unrequested mass e-mails, spimming or spamming, the disruption, interruption or excessive use of the Services of Renthia, the spreading of malware, viruses or malicious digital content, the use of the User Account, user name or password of other Users, use of mechanisms, software or other scripts in conjunction with the Digital Platform that could impair the function of the Service, blocking, overwriting or modifying the content generated by Renthia, the usage of Renthia's Services in a manner that violates applicable laws and regulations. Please note that the examples included in this list are not exhaustive.


  • Renthia intends that all information in the Service is accurate and as up to date as possible. Renthia cannot guarantee the availability of the Service or the reliability or accuracy of the information that is presented in the Service or the Website and may not be held liable for the accuracy of any information presented through the Digital Platform, Website of the Service. Renthia will furthermore not be held accountable if the Service is inaccessible or if any information or functionality does not work as expected, including but not limited to, data loss.
  • In the event that You are in breach of statutory regulations, rights of third parties or these Terms (in their most recent and applicable version), Renthia reserves the right to warn You, delete Content, restrict Your access to the Service, exclude (block) You temporarily or remove you definitively the Service entirely and/or initiate legal action.
  • Unless otherwise stated by the applicable law, Renthia may in its own discretion choose how to address a violation of these Terms and of any applicable law and the final decision in terms of whether or not you have acted in violation of these terms shall lie with Renthia.
  • If Your access to the Service has been blocked by Renthia, for example due to reasons specified in these Terms, you may not attempt to circumvent such protective measures by registering a new User Account or to use the Services via another user's User Account.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, in case a User has been blocked from accessing the Website or Digital Platform, the Lease Agreement between the Tenant and Renthia will remain in force until it is duly terminated in accordance with the provisions thereof in the Lease Agreement and the User has been notified as to the effect of said termination.


  • Except for cases involving intent or gross negligence, Renthia is not liable for indirect damage such as, but not restricted to, lost profit, diminished production, business turnover, inability to fulfil obligations to third parties or loss of benefit of the Service or loss of data, unless otherwise specifically agreed by Renthia and the User
  • Renthia's liability for direct damages shall be restricted to direct damage that can be considered as typical and foreseeable.
  • Renthia is under no circumstances liable for any loss or damages of any kind that are directly or indirectly related to: (i) the Content; (ii) Your use of, or inability to use, or the performance of the Service, including the Digital Platform, (iii) any loss of Content or; (iv) any action taken in connection with copyright or other intellectual property owners.


  • In order to provide you with a user-friendly Service, we use services from third parties for e.g. to host the Service internal communication, analysis of user data, customer support and payments. Please note that any information that you enter on a third party website (either integrated with the Service or accessible digitally or otherwise through online redirection), may be shared with the owner of that third party. Your information may be subject to the privacy policies as well as the terms of use of such third party sites.


  • We have the right to make changes and additions to these Terms of Use. We will inform you of any such changes at the latest thirty (30) days before a change or addition enters into force. We will give you such information by clear notice here at or by email to the email address provided by you.
  • You have the right to, at any time and without prior notice terminate your user account and remove your Content from the Website. Any prior Lease Agreement you have entered or outstanding payments that you owe or are owed shall be dealt with prior to your complete termination.
  • We have the right to suspend your access to the Services with immediate effect if we have reason to believe that you are violating these Terms. Furthermore, we reserve the right at any time to modify, discontinue, temporarily or permanently cease providing the Services without prior notice at any time at our own discretion, or if required by law or through decision by a relevant authority. You agree that we shall not be liable to You or to any third party for such modification, suspension or discontinuance.


  • A Party is not responsible for any delay or loss due to circumstances that the party has no control of and which significantly hamper the fulfilment of the obligation in question, or that causes the fulfilment of the obligation not to be economically justifiable. Such circumstances may involve, but are not limited to:
  • 1) Serious injury, illness or death of the user, first or second-degree relative, a minor or handicapped person where the Resident is the legal guardian or a colleague where the Resident is the primary substitution.
  • 2) Death of a third-degree relative.
  • 3) Serious damage to the accommodation.
  • 4) The official declaration of a disaster zone in the city where the accommodation is located.
  • 5) Unexpected visa denial for unjustified reasons which restrict the tenant from relocating to the city where the property is located. The denial of a visa is expressly excluded where the user has not taken the necessary steps to obtain the visa within the appropriate time frame and process as outlined by the relevant embassy or consulate.
  • 6) If a war or unexpected dangerous zones appeal in the city where the property is located.


  • • You will indemnify and hold Renthia (and its officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) harmless from any claim or demand, including attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of these Terms, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party.


  • You may not transfer or assign to any other party or person, any rights or obligations and licenses granted under these Terms.
  • If the ownership of Renthia's business changes, we may transfer and assign the entirity of the Digital Platform, Website and Service including but not limited to these Terms and any information, rights and obligations, including your User Account, set out under these Terms. This includes any assignment to a company within Renthia's group of companies, including an owner of, or subsidiary to, Renthia. Any new owner will still have to honor the commitments we have made in these Terms.
  • You acknowledge and agree that through this agreement or any other relationship or agreement no agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer, franchiser-franchisee relationship, etc. is intended or created between you and Renthia by these Terms.
  • These Terms were written in English. To the extent any translated version of these Terms conflicts with the English version, the English version shall prevail.
  • These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Swedish laws, without regard to its conflict of law rules.
  • To the extent permitted by law, any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this contract, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration administered by the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (the "SCC"). The Rules for Expedited Arbitrations shall apply, unless the SCC in its discretion determines, taking into account the complexity of the case, the amount in dispute and other circumstances, that the Arbitration Rules shall apply. In the latter case, the SCC shall also decide whether the Arbitral Tribunal shall be composed of one or three arbitrators.
  • The seat of arbitration shall be Stockholm. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this contract, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be finally settled through Swedish law and by the District Court of Stockholm.



  • In the event that the tenant is responsible for causing a delayed payment according to the subscription payment plan that is presented in the lease agreement to the landlord, either deliberately or other circumstances, Renthia will provide the payment guarantee of 1-month rent provided that the following requirements are met:
    • 1) Renthia has tried to withdraw the rent, according to the lease agreement, from the tenant's account 3 times between 26th-31st of the current month via our independent contractor [STRIPE & BILLOGRAM]
  • The guarantee can only be used once during the lease agreement period and will be paid out the first weekday of the following month according to Renthia´s § 10 PAYMENT ADMINISTRATION to the landlord


  • In the event that the tenant causes damages to the accommodation either deliberately or through negligence during their stay, provided that the damage is not due to ordinary wear and tear and that the repair costs exceed the amount of the deposit paid by the tenant, Renthia will provide coverage up the value of 1 500 Euros at the company's discretion and provided that the following requirements are met:
  • The tenant has paid the Renthia guarantee according to the contract during the lease agreement.
  • The landlord must contact Renthia within 5 calendar days from the date that the end inspection was made between Landlord & tenant.
  • Within 5 calendar days after notifying Renthia of the damages, the Landlord must send the required documentation to provide proof of the damages along with a quote or receipts for the costs involved in carrying out the repairs. The required documentation is as follows:
    • a) Photographs of the damage caused by the Tenant.
    • b) A written report that outlines and declares what has been damaged.
    • c) Copy/receipt providing for the value of the damages.
  • Renthia will always strive to contact the tenant and any relevant third parties necessary to verify the information submitted by the landlord.
  • Renthia will assess the damages through an age reduction of the Furniture, machines (such as the dishwasher, wash machine, microwave) or similar utensils that have been damaged as follows:
    • 0-1 Year = 0 % age reduction from the original value.
    • 1-2 Year = 20 % age reduction from the original value
    • 2-5 years = 30 % age reduction from the original value
    • 5 years > = 50 % age reduction from the original value
  • The damage Guarantee will exclusively cover the damaged area or object and not the labor costs, cosmetic damage, transportation or taxes (VAT) or any purported distress or emotional damage or lost income. The following items are excluded from the Guarantee: art, jewelry, money or personal objects such as computers, tablets, wallets or clothes.


  • Deposit paid by the tenant will be held in a third party account during the lease agreement period. The deposit will be paid out after 10 working days (via our § 10 PAYMENT ADMINISTRATION) to the tenant after an approved end inspection between landlord and tenant.
  • The deposit will be kept or paid out to the landlord by Renthia if the following events have occurred:
    • a) Damage has been notified by the landlord who claims a portion of, or the full deposit, from the tenant.
    • b) Rent has remained unpaid from tenant according to the lease agreement and the subscription plan. RENTHIA is not a party to the lease Agreement signed by the landlord and by the tenant. RENTHIA shall not be involved in any legal action or claim with respect to the lease agreement. RENTHIA will, to the best of their efforts, supply the landlord, and tenant with information regarding the formal requirements involved in claiming of the deposit.

24.Reasons for force majeure

  • 1) Serious injury, illness or death of the user, first or second-degree relative, a minor or handicapped person where the Resident is the legal guardian or a colleague where the Resident is the primary substitution.
  • 2) Death of a third-degree relative.
  • 3) Serious damage to the accommodation.
  • 4) The official declaration of a disaster zone in the city where the accommodation is located.
  • 5) Unexpected visa denial for unjustified reasons which restrict the tenant from relocating to the city where the property is located. The denial of a visa is expressly excluded where the user has not taken the necessary steps to obtain the visa within the appropriate time frame and process as outlined by the relevant embassy or consulate.
  • 6) If a war or unexpected dangerous zone appeals in the city where the property are located.